Saturday, May 6, 2023

Featuring FQCB #27 Dandelions theme reminder tag project

 Welcome to Becca's Quest for Love and Country Creativity blog!

This post focuses on the DT inspiration reminder project for FarmQuest Challenge Blog.

WHAT: FQCB #27 theme is dandelions; any stage of its life cycle or all stages of a dandelion

WHEN: April 28-May 13, 2023 with start and end times of 12:30am CT/Chicago.


1. phrase stickers can in a long strip =

2. the butterfly and abstract dandelions are unmarked

3. gray and white buffalo plaid cardstock base cut into tag shape = The Paper Studio

4. ribbons, twine, silver metallic paint pen, and dark purple cardstock scrap = stash items

LINK to FQCB #27 reminder post:

LINK to FQCB #27 main launch post from April 28th that has the link-up tool for submitting entries and the other design team members' project photos


other challenge blogs to share and link are:

A. Crafting Happiness Challenges; May 2023; Flowers theme; my tag has dandelions/fluff


B. Fab 'n Funky Challenges; May 3rd start; Things with wings; my tag has a butterfly in between some flying dandelion fluff


C. Crafty Catz challenge blog; just started; Anything Goes (with option of masculine); my tag could be neutral but a bit feminine with the ribbon colors so anything goes tag


D. Creative Friday challenges; started 1 week ago; everything grows and blossoms; my tag has dandelions and fluff and a butterfly


E. Cardz 4 Galz challenges; just started; theme of Mother's Day for USA or flowers for a friend; my tag has abstract dandelions (at the dried, fluff stage) and some dried fluff in the air


and FB groups to share/link are: MMC, PPPDTC, NCI, Use Those Scrap Papers, 


Still on various quests for showing love through creativity,

Becca S

(*Besides FQCB, it has a sister blog FQGS that is month-long and Anything Farm/Country Goes theme; I also own HQCB and TFATU. I co-own AACB and CBCB. I manage MTTC and MTTCC. And I'm on the DTs for OUAT, MIUCB, MLCCB, and THICC.)


  1. Just GORgeous! So much lovely details. LOve your colours too.
    Thank you so much for joining us this week at Crafty Catz.

  2. Wonderful tag. Lots or great images.

  3. such a wonderful and cute tag that you've create for our challenge at C4Galz,

  4. What a really lovely tag with lovely details. Thank you so much for joining us in our challenge at Crafting Happiness Challenges. Good Luck and looking forward to seeing you again in our next challenge.
    Faith A DT

  5. Pretty tag.
    Thank you for joining in with us at Fab'n'Funky challenges.
    Buffy (DT) xx


My Mondrian Mondays Journal Page #1 on 17 March 2025

Welcome to Becca's Quest for Love and Country Creativity! post purpose : My plan is to do 2-3 Mondrian Monday Journal Pages each month ...