Monday, August 28, 2023

Featuring FQCB #35 Sunrise or Sunset theme DT card for 28 August 2023

Welcome to Becca's Quest for Love and Country Creativity blog! This is a cockle-doodle-doo heart happy gig of a dance for this #35 themed card for FarmQuest! I'm thrilled with how the inking and colored pencils resulting scene turned out!

WHAT: FQCB is FarmQuest Challenge Blog; #35 farm or country theme is sunrise or sunset...please keep it farm or country look vibe. 

WHEN: August 28-September 13, 2023


1. mid-blue cardstock base is 5" wide x 6" high; Art Skills/Crafter's Closet

2. white cardstock base is 4" wide x 6" high; Neenah; inked using different hand motions with 7 different Memento ink pad colors to create a morning sunrise scene

3. five matching/coordinating colored pencils were used over the inking to make the scene full and complete; brown, green, light peach, yellow, light aqua blue

4. alpha tile stickers = Freckled Fawn

5. rooster die-cut = either Echo Park or Carta Bella

WHERE: FQCB #35 main blog post link=


other challenge blogs to share/link are:

A. Outlawz Festive Friday; ends Aug 31; one of the topic options is animals; my card has a rooster in his farmhouse garden setting; 


B. Crafter's Cafe challenge blog; about midway through; Colors of the Garden; I've got the rooster in the midst of the sunrise captured in the farmhouse garden


C. Shopping Our Stash; ends later on Aug 28; theme is HOT, HOT HOT!!; my card has a bright hot sunrise scene


D. Crafting Happiness Challenges blog; closes in 2-3 days; anything goes


E. A Place to Start challenge blog; closes in a few days; anything goes (option of leaves/trees but not this time, just AG)



FB groups: Mixed Media Creativity, Mixed Media Art, PPPDTC, COTM, 


Still on this never-ending search of my stash supplies for country creativity,

Becca S

1. FQCB owner/DT

2. FQGS owner/DT

3. HQCB owner/DT

4. TFATU owner/DT

5. AACB co-owner/DT

6. CBCB co-owner/DT

7. MTTC DT/manager

8. MTTCC DT/manager



  1. That is a marvelous sunrise indeed ... so glad you joined our Hot Hot Hot! Challenge at Shopping Our Stash.

  2. Wow! love the design. Great card. Thanks for joining us as The Crafter's Café this month for our Colours of the Garden challenge.


My featured FQCCCB #18 AGCC theme Country Church Christmas card on 7 March 2025

  Welcome to Becca's Quest for Love and Country Creativity blog! why : this posting shares my newest owner/DT inspiration project for FQ...