Featuring FQCB Theme #21 Hay/Straw main post DT inspiration card for 28 January 2023
Howdy! On this personal crafting blog, I'm featuring FarmQuest's Theme #21 main launch post DT inspiration card. Theme #21 is about hay/straw. bales, hay in the haymow or hayloft, haystacks Competition started at 12:30am CST/Chicago on 28 January 2023 and will end at 12:30am CST/Chicago on 13 February 2023. Hay in the Barn birthday card: [clipart image shows hay in the mow/loft area and a stack of hay outside of the barn; straw-like mesh] some additional design and vendor notes: 1. Clipart Library website for the free image 2. kraft cardstock base = Colorbok 3. red cardstock = Astrobrights/Neenah 4. yellow cardstock = Art Skills 5. other kraft, gray paper, mesh/straw looking 'ribbon', colored pencils= stash 6. 'take good care' small stamp = Hampton Arts FarmQuest Theme #21 main launch link= https://farmquestchallenge.blogspot.com/2023/01/fqcb-theme-21-is-haystraw-bales-or.html _____________________ ..x\\//..Xx\\///\/\/\/Xx... other challenge blogs to link-u...